Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Gardening and renewal

Most of the garden continues to be too wet to work, and with more rain on the way it looks like it will remain so for the near future.  I was able to weed, fertilize and apply compost to the asparagus beds.  I love perennial vegetables.  Once established they require minimal care and provide a yearly bounty.  Perennial weeds are a problem, but well established plantings can compete with moderate weed pressure. 
Easter was a family affair as usual.  The death and resurrection story, beloved by all religions since the ancient Greeks can be a celebration of the triumph of spring and the kindling of the power of humanity to procreate.   It was a pleasure to see the grandchildren and their parents on a spring day marked by sunshine and a brief thunderstorm.  I also felt sadness as a result of the passing of a cousin I had not seen in years.   Although a stranger with whom I have had little contact over the years, I know her parents, my aunt and uncle, well enough to empathize with their pain.   The passing of a child before her parents is a blow to the natural order of growth, maturity and death.  I hope they can come to terms with their grief.

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