Friday, April 7, 2017

Bombing the s*** out of somebody

At a cost to the American taxpayer equivalent to supplying security to Mar-a-Lago for a month or so, the USN fired 59 tomahawk cruise missiles at a Syrian airfield.  Most conservatives, feeling their authoritarian side praised the *president's decisive action.  Most liberals commented it was typical behavior for an administration struggling to show any behavior which would portray it as in control of at least some foreign policy area.  Judging by the reaction of MSNBC which massively overplayed the Pentagon supplied footage of missiles whizzing through the air, the media was more than happy to remain an unpaid flack for The Donald.   What does it all mean?  Probably nothing, as I'm sure Putin's poodle made sure the Russians know it was a "one off" to keep the rubes happy.   Meanwhile, it is springtime in Augusta and I will be following the Master's tournament this weekend and wishing the local golf courses were open.  Maybe next week.

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