Friday, April 28, 2017


I was going to write about the first hundred days of Canard du Orange, but this morning the joy of gardening sidelined the urge to plumb the swamp.  Fortunately there are plenty of other places to get capsule summaries of the highs (very few) and lows (abundant) of the tRump administration.  I find it somewhat amazing that anyone could call the first 100 days anything but a dog's breakfast.  The president is historically unpopular with virtually everyone but his base voters.   In one of his more un-guarded moments he referred to his preference for "uneducated voters".   Even then his poll numbers are hovering in the upper 30s.  Obamacare is still the law of the land.  The wall on the Mexican border is in limbo and the swamp remains undrained.  Meanwhile, the FBI continues to investigate the Russia connection and even the congressional investigations led by reluctant republican chairmen are slowly making progress.  The historical and casual corruption endemic to this executive is breathtaking.  The Donald has obviously decided the federal treasury is his personal piggy bank.  Just one example is the $36,000 Trump branded golf courses have charged for golf cart rentals for Secret Service agents assigned to accompany the president on his frequent golf outings.  This is the tip of the iceberg of charges the government will be paying Trump's businesses over the next 4 years, if he lasts that long.  One can only hope...

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