Friday, April 14, 2017

The Mobster-in-Chief

It looks like the erstwhile President of these United States has finally figured out his modus operandi.  He must have watched The Godfather last weekend between rounds of golf and decided he would make the democrats in Congress and offer they can't refuse.  By withholding subsidy payments which make insurance affordable and keep insurance companies participating in the exchanges, the tangerine nightmare expects dems to come to the negotiating table to help dismantle the crowning achievement of the Obama presidency.  The fact that Medicaid expansion would not be affected by this petty denial of funds and that by making the implicit threat to put the insurance exchanges into a "death spiral", Trump has insured (pardon the pun) that democrats will not come anywhere near the White House.  Truly, a mobster worth his payola would have been far more discreet in his threats and left his victim with fewer choices.  As it is, Trump has basically assumed responsibility for the health care system if it breaks and voters know it.  If the Trump organization was a crime family, its competitors would be laughing behind its back.

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