Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Slowly but surely

The grass is greening up even on the north side of buildings here on the NCR.  The soil is also drying out, albeit at a very slow pace.  As usual, the kitchen garden is workable, so most of the early planting is happening there.  I started putting in the onion plants I received late last week and it seems the Dixondale Onion Company puts more than a few extra plants in each bunch!  Even throwing out the obvious weak plants, I still averaged more than 100 per bunch.  At that rate, I'll have nothing but onions in the garden closest to the house unless I wait for the other areas to dry out.  Unfortunately with the forecast we have for the next 10 days, drying will not be happening.  The good part is I have been assured by a fellow gardener the plants can last several weeks before they expire.  I guess I'll hold off as long as possible before filling up the best locations with alliums.

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