Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The next 1365 days

It is almost impossible to believe we will have to put up with or suffer through another 1,365 days of Cheeto Jesus and his merry band of psychopathic misfits.  A hundred days of lies, corruption and the degradation of the office of the presidency is already fraying the fabric of our democracy.  For every breathless interview the media does with a highly satisfied Trump voter, I'm sure there are a dozen citizens who are horrified by the spectacle of this flailing oaf  making a daily mockery of governance.    So far, the republicans in Congress are willing and able to make excuses and dodge their responsibility for oversight of the administration, but if the present foolishness continues to the 2018 mid term elections, there is the possibility the House may fall to the democrats.  If Nancy Pelosi and senior democrats are armed with subpoena powers and chairmanships of the requisite committees it could get hot in D.C. next winter.

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