Thursday, April 13, 2017


Republicans in general seem to be much more tribal than democrats.  That would seem obvious to the casual observer,since most in the party are white and older than average. But of course if you ask the average GOPer, he would vehemently reject that characterization.  Democrats on the other hand are younger, multi-racial and generally liberal.   A recent poll asked the question would you support Cheeto Jesus order of a missile strike in Syria.  37% of Dems would support.  Fully 86% of republicans would.  This same question was asked 3  years ago when Obama contemplated the same action.  38% of Dems said yes.  Only 22% of republicans would support the action.  Case closed!
   Meanwhile, in the garden, I got the first spinach planted last night. The soil worked up very nicely and is moist enough.  Next up, carrots, beet, and parsley.

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