Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Tired of all the winning?

As the first 100 days of the tRump administration draw to a close, it has become apparent the learning curve of the president has approached the vertical.  All of his campaign promises are about to go up in smoke.   The border wall is probably dead.  Ditto Obamacare repeal.  The same for the ludicrous "tax reform" that even republicans can't swallow.  Infrastructure is code for a giveaway to construction companies.  Even the president's daughter was booed at a seminar in Germany when she tried to defend her father's behavior towards women!  Meanwhile, a new poll shows that not only has Cheeto Jesus sunk to an historic low for new presidents, but he is actually losing some of his base voters.   Of course, thanks to FBI director James Comey's infamous letter to Congress the week before the election, Trump was elected much to his surprise.  He has demonstrated from the first day he was not only unprepared for the job, but probably never thought he was going to win, so why prepare himself for the presidency?  The accidental nature of the job may be the defining feature of the tRump administration.  We can only hope he doesn't get us into a war of choice with any number of countries in an effort to salvage his declining popularity.

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