Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Whistling past the graveyard

The Divine Mrs. M is getting more nervous each day as Election Day approaches and Cheeto Jesus appears to be getting closer in the polls to Hillary.  As most Democrats have pointed out, the country is polarized and partisans will wind up coming home to their roots.  The fundamental problem for the GOP is they have alienated a majority of the citizens; people of color, latinos, women, gays and most college educated professionals.  As long as these people are motivated to vote, Clinton can't lose.  The republican traditionally turn out in higher percentages than dems, but as they lose the white, educated demographic, even the turnout figures will go against them.  Many of the yahoos who populate Trump rallies and scream insults at all and sundry are either not registered to vote or will not be motivated to participate in a "rigged" system.  They will probably spend election day cleaning their guns in preparation for the revolution they have been promised when the Donald loses.  And lose he will. 

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