Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Birthday musings

I haven't paid much attention to my own birthday since I was in my teens.  The big milestones, like getting a driver's license, voting for the first time, draft registration and legal drinking age were the touchstones.  For the rest, 30, 40, 50 and 60 came and went without much fanfare.  65 was once the gateway to old age.  Time to get the watch and sign up for Social Security benefits and play with the grandkids for a few years.  Now, it's just another day for one of the boomer generation who expects to live forever.  Besides, the Divine Mrs. M is taking a long trip down a certain river that runs through Egypt when it come to her next birthday, so the celebration at Casa Monzeglio will be a muted affair this evening.  The recent election has thrown even more cold water on the idea of a golden autumn of life.  It is time to keep all the options open and reassess as each new year passes.   I remember my paternal grandfather at 65 and hope I can live the rest of my life as fully as he was able.   

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