Friday, November 11, 2016

Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster it's Friday

Maybe the weekend will help put the worst aspects of this election in the rear view mirror.  To continue the autopsy of what  went wrong will help some and make others crazy.  The revelation that Trump's campaign was in contact with Russian intelligence and was fully briefed on the wikileaks dumps of the hacks to the DNC is outrageous enough.  One can only wonder what the right would have said if Obama's campaign had been accused of that.   Personally, I think Putin is just messing with us in an effort to further delegitimize our electoral system.  It's going to get very ugly in America over the next few years as people realize what a fool's bargain they made with Cheeto Jesus.   One man who bears an outsize blame for this is Jim Comey and his self righteous letter to Congress 10 days before the election.  More than any other incident, this probably pushed Trump over the top in the handful of rust belt states which ultimately decided the election.  My oldest daughter's 7 year old asked her if we are going to have a war now!  How did it come to this?  The idiots on NPR ran a story this morning about how religion will bring us together.  I would say religion brought us to this pass and the best thing we can do is ignore anything the evangelicals have to say about politics.  They revealed themselves as Pharisees who nakedly grasp for power.  I think I better stop here...

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