Monday, November 7, 2016

Summer and Boomer's last hurrah

It was 26 degrees this morning on the NCR.  To the hardy souls who inhabit the area, it's a reminder that summer is over and winter is around the corner.   Unlike more southerly areas, we don't usually have a long mild fall.  The change from temperate to frigid can be shocking.  The garden will continue to hang on for another couple of weeks, but this morning's temp readings is the proverbial handwriting on the wall (or the frozen windshield); get ready for winter.   It's probably much too trite, metaphorically speaking to compare the change in the weather to the twilight of the boomer generation's participation in this election.  We are being asked to choose from two archetypes of our cohort;  the blustery, hard charging egotist against the avatar of our better, albeit flawed human nature.   The weather is changing and our generation is beginning the late fall and winter of our eclipse by the millenials.   Hopefully we will choose a representative which will make us proud, rather than shamed as we go not gently into this good night.

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