Thursday, November 10, 2016

Processing the fallout

I have never been what most people would consider an activist.  I have voted for liberal candidates and causes, donated money on occasion and even manned phone banks for local congressional candidates.  I even write this occasionally political blog on a daily basis.  But I never considered becoming an active member of a political action group.  That will change.  The fact a large minority of my fellow citizens were able to vote for a manifestly unqualified candidate for president with the ridiculous slogan of "make America great again" makes me want to get involved in the political life of my country.  This sounds a little self righteous, but I think every citizen needs to spend time to inform themselves of the issues involved in elections and make an educated choice.  Basing your vote on idiotic slogans and your own self interest is a good way to lose the democracy we have.  Especially when the person you voted for says he is "the only one" who can fix whatever problems we have.  Beware of anyone peddling that solution.  I hope to work for an organization which will clearly explain the issues and possible solutions to the electorate as well as the people who actually have the passion and expertise to implement the programs.  The next four years will not be kind to most people in this country.  Let's roll up our sleeves and lay the foundation for a smarter America.

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