Monday, November 21, 2016

A November to Remember

Weatherwise, things could not have made a more extreme about face here on the NCR.  From a balmy 65 degrees on Saturday to 28 degrees and blowing snow this morning, Mother Nature is reminding us the calendar says we should be transitioning to winter.  The predictions for the rest of the week is more of the same.  I was able to harvest most of what was vulnerable in the garden, including broccoli, cabbage and carrots.   The kale, collards, spinach and Brussels sprouts will have to tough it out this week.  Hopefully the weather will moderate.   Meanwhile, the ramifications of a Trump presidency are beginning to be discerned.  The sycophants are lining up to get on the power train.  Mitt Romney is the latest to throw his own ego under the bus as he and others line up to abase themselves.  Hate crimes are up, police are being shot and the inauguration is still 2 months away.
 I'm ordering my "Do you miss me yet" Obama bumper sticker to go with the "I didn't vote for Trump" slogan.  That and a serious dose of black humor will get me through the next few months.  I hope...

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