Friday, November 18, 2016

Medicare and the camel's nose

Behind the chaos of the Trump transition which is sucking all the air from the room, republican strategists are licking their chops as they plan to dismantle the social insurance plans which their base voters depend on.   The 60 year old coal miners in Pennsylvania who enthusiastically voted for cheeto jesus because he promised to bring back coal jobs will be looking for medicare coverage and social security in years to come, and Trump's new team is already including dedicated privatizers of these signature government programs.  The ignorance of these voters, symbolized by the popular sign held by tea party members during the 2010 mid-term elections "Keep the government's hand off my medicare", shows just how far the dumbing down of America has come.   It would be easy to say these people should get what they deserve after the breathtakingly stupid decision they made to support a billionaire because he supposedly empathized with them, but when they go down, they will also take me and mine with them and I find that outcome intolerable.   I have a feeling that when republicans offer them a shit sandwich of voucherized medicare and privatized social security accounts, they will say "Thank you very much sir, can I have some more".

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