Friday, November 25, 2016

The deplorably uneducated

It seems like a no-brainer.  Trump was elected by a confluence of two factors.  A crucial Democratic demographic, white working class men and women with a high school education or less, tipped the scales for the Donald in a few rust belt states.   This in turn made the electoral college map a disaster for Hillary.  Now the post-mortems are coming out and most of them seem to say we should focus on the precious snowflakes of the aforementioned white working class and eschew the "identity politics" of the various democratic constituencies.   One of the disgruntled, Mark Lilla calls out the bathroom politics of the LGBT community in particular.   He doesn't dwell on the systematic undermining of democratic norms by republicans.  He feels that the dem message is not inclusive of the entire country, while the repubs message of intolerance, division and hate seems to have mobilized enough people to elect an historically unpopular candidate.  Hatred seems to have won this round, but in the long run, an educated, mobilized rainbow coalition will surely win the day... won't it?

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