Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Falling into winter

The weather forecast through Saturday reads like a late Sept. scenario.  Highs in the upper 50s and lows in the mid 30s with plenty of sunshine after today.  However, this is mid-late November and Sunday's prediction is for rain changing to snow with some accumulation by the end of the night.  The lead up to Thanksgiving calls for weather more in line with seasonal norms on the NCR, with off and on snow during the day and temps in the low 20s at night.   That will pretty much end the gardening season and usher in winter.  Ugh!   Time to get the last harvest gathered.  Beets, carrots, broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts are still abundant, but sensitive enough that they should be harvested before a hard freeze.  The kale and collards should survive the initial onslaught if warmer weather returns as December approaches.  If not, the stalks will stand as silent sentinels in the garden until next spring.  At least the gardening catalogs will be coming out soon!

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