Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The check is in the balance

After the true nightmare scenario of a Trump win of the presidency became reality, the punditocracy leaped to the conclusion the only way to contain the worst excesses of the looming kleptocracy was to depend on the republicans who control both houses of congress.  It would seem a vain hope at best.  The chairman of the senate judiciary committee is thrilled to hold hearings to confirm an avowed racist as the attorney general.  The secretary of HHS is ready to help millions of citizens lose their health insurance and the thought of increasing the deficit which was anathema under Obama is now seen as a boost to an anemic economy; as long as it includes tax cuts for the top 1%.  There will be no investigations of conflicts of interest, corruption or malfeasance of this administration by congress.  It will be up to the opposition  to at least point out the worst of what is happening under Cheeto Jesus and his henchmen.  It's a thankless job, which is why no republican will undertake it.  The majorities of both houses and the court system will disavow their constitutional duties with relish as they gleefully take a wrecking ball to what is left of our democratic experiment.  Possibly even more scary is in a recent survey, only 19% of millenials  in this country believe it is important to live and participate in a democracy. 

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