Friday, May 22, 2015

Whirlwind Weekend

For the garden warriors, there is probably no more important weekend than Memorial Day.  Just about everything from arugula to zucchini needs to get into the ground to take advantage of the warm weather to come.   Add to that urgency the prediction of rain or showers virtually every day next week and the combination is nearly overwhelming.   On my schedule is transplanting winter squash, tomatoes, peppers, onions, shallots and lettuce.  Zinnias and other flowers are also on the schedule, as well as yard chores like mowing and weeding.  It's an ambitious and exhausting wish list and I will be happy if I get a decent fraction of it done before it starts to rain on Monday.  In between, the Divine Mrs. M and I will celebrate the 40th anniversary of our marriage and the sacrifice of the brave soldiers who enabled the American Empire, er, I mean secured our freedom. 

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