Thursday, May 7, 2015

Can't beat the Crazy

The tinfoil hat brigade is out in full strength in Texas.  They are predicting a martial law takeover of Texas and confiscation of their guns and they seem to have found support for this theory with the governor of the state.  Oye veh!   Aside from the rational part of the brain that screams at this stupidity, one only has to look at the military presence in Texas.  Among the various bases, all four branches of the service are represented, and the combined strength they represent could easily have subdued the population at any time.  I think the Defense Secretary should advocate the removal of all servicemen and the closure of all defense bases in Texas.  Then we'll see the Lone Star state playing a different tune.  The economic impact of all those bases might even be enough to repudiate the epic foolishness now on display.

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