Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Hold onto your hats

It looks like we're in for a rollercoaster weather ride as we head towards Mother's Day this Sunday.  It has been dry and fairly mild here on the NCR this month.  The warmer weather is welcome, but it is drying out the ground at a rapid rate.   Normally I can plant early crops like carrots, beets and other cold weather standbys without having to worry about moisture.  Now, I am having to move hoses and spend precious time watering.  Meanwhile, the weeds grow whether or not they are irrigated.   Temps in the 80s are predicted for Friday and Saturday, followed by 4 days of showers.  As usual this time of year it is feast or famine.  The temptation is to plant as much as possible in advance of the rain, but two years ago when I planted most of my potatoes and onions in the heaviest soil, the rains came and rotted the seed and seedlings where they sat.  I was unable to replant that part of the garden until June.  I have a feeling we will see a similar scenario, but at least this time I will refrain from playing my part in the drama.

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