Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Genuflecting to the crazy

Following in the steps of other republican presidential wannabes, Jeb Bush made obeisance to the theocracy at Jerry Falwell's  Liberty University.  In a speech which would have made Ted Cruz proud, Bush railed at Obamacare, abortion, gay marriage, etc.  Following on the heels of his endorsement of Shrub as his go-to guy for Middle Eastern policy, I believe it is fair to say his campaign is officially off the rails.   I don't believe there is any way he can tack far enough to the center if he manages to win the nomination.  He will certainly get the 20% who miss his brother, and there are certainly enough Hillary haters out there to boost his vote totals to the mid 40s, but I have to believe there is a plurality of reality based voters in the country.  Besides, it is still early in the cycle.  It will get crazier.

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