Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Trolling the Dems

The NYT published what is essentially a troll piece by a republican operative who has served in the last three GOP administrations.  Peter Wehner argues the democratic party has moved further to the left than the republicans have moved right.  Aside from a few facile comparisons between Presidents Clinton and Obama and an assertion that the Gingrich house was about as conservative as Boehner's circus, he basically has nothing.  Saying that Obama is a flaming radical is like comparing vanilla to srichacha.  Any good liberal from the 60s would consider the president an Eisenhower republican.  Hubert Humphrey would scratch his head in wonder if Elizabeth Warren was described as a leftist because she is for regulating the biggest banks and protecting consumers.  On the heels of a recently published study which says congressmen overestimate the conservatism of their constituents by as much as 20%, Wehner's piece seems even more out of touch.  I guess he heard the sound of radical revolution when Bernie Sander's announced his campaign for president.  A living minimum wage, a pledge to address economic inequality and less jingoistic foreign policy is hardly a call to storm the barricades.

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