Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Chilly mornings

Cloudy and cool with a northwesterly wind this morning on the NCR.  It feels more like April than May, but it has been that kind of year.    The asparagus and the weeds love this weather, the rest of the garden not so much.  Thanks to the recent dry spell, all the gardens are workable which will probably lead me to plant some areas too early.   The long range forecast is for 5 days of showery weather next week.  That will make some areas too wet for growing.  I made that mistake two years ago and lost all my potatoes and several beds of laboriously planted onions.  At least I won't make that mistake again.  As opposed to Jeb Bush, who would most assuredly have made the same decision his brother did as far as invading Iraq.  Especially if Dick Cheney was running the intelligence operation as he did in 2001-03. 

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