Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Hitching a ride

The republican clown car is running our of room early.  They'll probably have to go to a minibus to accommodate all the grifters lining up to fleece the rubes who make up the base.   Carly Fiorina, the failed H-P executive and Ben Carson of "Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery" fame are the latest to show up for their 10 seconds of notoriety.  Mike Huckabee will announce today and many more wannabes are waiting in the wings.  By some estimates there will be as many as 20 candidates with real money to spend on campaigns.  The restaurants and hotels in Iowa and New Hampshire are probably hiring feverishly to meet the demand.  Most of these folks will never command more than 5% in any poll, but it won't stop them from getting their message out.  Kicking the poors is a viable strategy for most of them, along with bashing Hillary and advocating more military actions around the world.  But the major play for these leaders of the free world is the expectation of speaking  tours, inspirational books and other strategies to separate racist, homophobic and angry old white men from as much cash as possible.  It should be an amusing few months as the crowds swell and then dwindle.

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