Monday, May 4, 2015

Down and Dirty

In the garden, of course.  Got 15 yards of compost on Saturday and immediately started spreading and planting.   Second plantings of carrots, beets and spinach are in as well as some green onions.  Temps in the upper 70s today should get things going and continue to dry the wetter spots in the garden.  This is the first real growing weather we have had this year and so far it is shaping up to be a dry spring.   The weeds are responding predictably and some areas are a virtual carpet of lamb's quarters thanks to my failure to prevent the parents from dropping hundreds of thousands of seeds last fall.  I am trying to cut back on the amount of planted area, so maybe this year will be different in that respect.  If it stays warm and dry this week, I'll try to get the first plantings of corn in the ground.  The fruit trees are pushing out this years buds and getting ready to flower.  The only unwelcome sight is the grass stretching out.  Got to get the lawnmowers out this week.  Ugh!

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