Thursday, May 28, 2015

The moral minimum

In today's NYT, Marc Bittman makes an impassioned argument for a living minimum wage.  His thesis is both moral and practical.  Anyone who says they can't run their business without using employees making the federal minimum wage of $7.25/hr. probably should review their business model.  Those workers are forced to seek state and federal benefits to keep a roof over their heads or work another 20-40 hours per week at another minimum wage job.   The iconic moment when Shrub congratulated a woman who was working 3 different jobs to make ends meet is the republican plan for the 99%.   As Bittman said, even the rabid capitalist, Henry Ford realized you can't stay in business if your workers can't afford to buy the products they are making.  Many of Mickey D's workers can't afford the "food" they serve.  A federal minimum wage of $15.00/hr., indexed to the CPI would go a long way toward leveling the playing field and boosting the economy.  Most of the money these workers make would go right back into the economy, increasing demand in a virtuous cycle.  Meanwhile, there would be fewer demands for government subsistence programs, lowering deficit spending.  The whole idea is a no-brainer, which is exactly why there is so much opposition.

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