Thursday, May 21, 2015

Start and Stop Economics

The Fed is meeting again and the rentier class is hoping for a rate hike.  Meanwhile, the rest of us are wondering how any rational person would raise rates in an economy which is limping while the rest of the world is doing even worse.  Those of us who toil for wages have seen little to cheer about for the last 15 years.  The housing bubble which burst at the end of the Shrubs administration was just the climax of several years of virtually non-existent growth of wages for the middle class.  For those who graduated college and came of age during the early years of the present government have seen wage erosion.  The fight for a livable wage, now pegged at $15.00/hr. is probably the best hope many have of seeing progress on the defining issue of our time.  A floor of $15.00, indexed to the CPI will pressure businesses to pay more to all employees.  The next step is a guaranteed stipend for every working age American.  That will level the playing field between capital and labor.  Meanwhile, we will have to listen to the pundits question the wisdom of the central bank in not raising interest rates.  These people are so out of touch, it hurts to read the garbage they dispense as revelation.

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