Thursday, November 6, 2014

We're all Republicans now

At least that is what the Nice Polite Republicans on NPR would have us believe.  After beating the drum for the past two years about how demographic shifts spell doom for the GOP, now the party is somehow resurgent.  More than likely, the older white cohort of steady conservative voters is making its last gasp.  Electing hog castrators, personhood pushers and various and sundry cranks who carry around there own "Get off my lawn" signs is not the sign of a healthy, competitive party.  There will always be people who gravitate toward a message which promises opportunity and responsibility and projects the image of the macho, independent man who disdains big government.  That message was long ago hijacked by big money corporate interests who couldn't care less about the rubes who buy into this malarkey.  Unfortunately, many of the boomer generation have bought this particular farm and unless there is some buyer's remorse, they will continue to vote against their own interests as they age.  (Think "Keep your government hands off my Medicare").    Most people agree with the Democrats stand on the issues.  It's just a matter of keeping the message relevant.  It's the Marlboro Man vs. the 99%.  Unfortunately, it is easier to build a campaign around the archetypal American than a bunch of unwashed hippies.   Fortunately, the Marlboro man's prognosis is not so good.

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