Friday, November 7, 2014

Another in a series

Of gardening last hurrahs.   This weekend is probably the last for borderline hardy vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli.  There is quite a few heads to harvest and they will keep in the barn for a week or so.  Time to cut some red cabbage for holiday dinners.  Cabbage can take a few hard frosts, but there has to be a thaw at some point and that looks like a non starter by the end of the week.  The beets and carrots can take some freezing weather if they are covered with a little straw. That will leave us with Brussels sprouts, kale and spinach in the open garden.  There again, even here on the NCR, things look rather bleak as we head toward the ides of November.  A big storm in Canada is forcing an early season cold snap on us.  We'll probably warm up for Thanksgiving, but the damage will be done.  Time to start watching the mailbox for seed catalogs!

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