Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Misinformation and mendacity

Fox News, Breitbart, Hot Air, Limbaugh, Glen Beck.  It's scary that many mis-informed citizens depend on the aforementioned  sites for "news".   For the most part, these outlets feed off each other in a fact free bubble.  A typical story the other day started on Breitbart with a report that Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers, two supposed radical mentors of the President were listed in White House visitor logs.  The outrage in the right wing media was over the top.  Of course when nearly 100,000 people/month visit the white house, the chances that an ordinary citizen with the same name as a more famous individual will sign in is pretty high.  After a little research debunked this meme, Breibart issued a half hearted correction and then moved on to a new outrage.  Most of the people who frequent that site do so to have their prejudices affirmed, so very few even bothered to acknowledge it.  For them, the infamous Rev. Wright and socialist Bill Ayers were certainly in Washington to continue the indoctrination of the Muslim Anti-Christ.  And so it goes for the next two years.  Then we can look forward to the Hilary Clinton follies....

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