Friday, November 14, 2014

Health care follies, ship of fools edition

As Ted Cruz gleefully marshals his wingnut coterie to attempt the repeal of the ACA yet again, it would behoove us to look at this circus from an historic perspective.  The GOP has opposed every progressive piece of legislation since the New Deal.  Social Security, medicare, minimum wage, 40 hr. work week and now universal health care.  They have steadily pushed back against anything that might improve the lot of the 99% and have even co-opted many from that cohort to vote against their own interests.  Unfortunately, this time around they are using the social media as well as the traditional news outlets to rail against health care.  Even when it has been shown Obamacare is not a job killer, is improving health outcomes and even lowering the long term deficit by slowing the growth of health care spending, they just plain make up their own narrative and shamelessly push it on an all too gullible audience.  If the internet was up and running in 1936, your grandmother would presently be starving to death in the absence of Social Security and we would all be wringing our hands at the spectacle.  Ah, the stupidity....

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