Monday, November 17, 2014

So much to do, so little time

Winter is coming to the NCR as well as to Winterfell.  I struggled against Mother Nature all day on Sunday.  The goal was to harvest as much as possible of the remaining bounty in the garden, while gambling the present cold snap will let up before it takes out the rest of the fall vegetables.  The jury remains out as far as cold damage.  There are still a fair amount of Brussels sprouts, leeks, broccoli cauliflower, kale and spinach out there, but temps will not rise above freezing for 36 hours starting tomorrow.  Temps during the latter part of the week will barely crack the freezing mark, so the broccoli and cauliflower are toast.  The other, hardier veg may make it through to Thanksgiving week when we should reach the upper 40s for a few days.  Meanwhile, I received my first seed catalog for 2015...

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