Monday, November 24, 2014

Big Brother is coming

The Divine Mrs. M and two of the spring-offs and their families made the trek to Long Island for a family function this past weekend.  A good time was had by all, but one aspect of the trip was fodder for speculation regarding out movements in the land of the free.  All of us used GPS technology in one form or another during the weekend, whether to show us a map, get directions or just make a call to keep track of each other's movements.  Ten to fifteen years ago all of this would have been impossible.  Whether the present situation is desirable is another story.  While GPS is very convenient for us to keep in touch, it also enables the government or even private hackers to tap into that information as well with unknown consequences.  Who needs to embed each citizen with a chip to keep track of them.  We are all seemingly willing co -conspiritors  in the surveillance state.

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