Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Apathy and stupidity

Using a barrage of negative ads and counting on the apathy of the average Democratic voter set the stage for a huge midterm win last night.  Ceding control of the Senate to Republicans will give the President fits during the final two years of his term.  Much like Clinton in the 90s, Obama will find a pugnacious opposition.  The difference is Mr. Obama faces the added problem of a deeply racist Republican base which will be demanding impeachment as he struggles to defend his legacy.  The ironic and troubling part of this debacle is the signature achievement of the Obama years, the ACA, is probably what cost the Dems control of the Senate.   If the many beneficiaries of Obamacare had actually voted yesterday the news would be different.  Instead, as they are wont to do, low information, mostly Dem voters stayed home yesterday, with predictable results.  It's up to the minority leaders in the house and senate to keep the party relevant in the runup to the 2016 elections.

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