Friday, November 21, 2014

Crusade for the children

Although I am sure the usual suspects will be denouncing the president's plan to fix the broken immigration system, if you examine the substance, what they are really railing against are the children.   These kids were either taken to the US illegally by their parents when they were very young, or they were born here and are legal citizens.  The former are at risk of deportation from the only country they have ever known, while the latter could lose their parents or else follow them into exile.   It is common sense and common decency to fix the future for both groups and allow them the chance to live the American dream, as did our grandparents.  While our ancestors did not come here illegally because of the open door policy of unlimited immigration the newer cohort came for the same reasons.  They were looking for a better life for themselves and their children.   The difference between these waves of immigration is today's immigrants are far more likely to be people of color.  While the natives made sport of Italians, Polish and eastern Europeans in the 20th century, they were still white folks.  The present furor would be much less if the skin color of the children was a few shades lighter.

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