Thursday, November 20, 2014

Haters and immigrants

Since the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, each successive wave of immigrants has faced the scorn and discrimination of the "native" population.  I laugh at my fellow 2nd generation Italians who look down at "wetbacks" .  Our grandfathers were patronizingly called Wops and Dagos by the white population of the late 19th and early 20th century.  We are merely aping the behaviors of former generations and it is a depressing spectacle.  The president will announce new regulations and discretion involving people here illegally.  This will spark predictable outrage among many who should know better.  However, as the republicans have discovered, there is no limit to the political advantage gained by stoking peoples fear and hate.  How else to describe the sight of people blocking buses carrying minors trying to escape the violence in Central America and demanding we drop 10 year olds at the Mexican border and wash our hands.  It is depressing in a uniquely American way.

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