Thursday, November 13, 2014

Climate change and the irrelevance of republicans

Just as the republicans in the senate are getting ready to install James Inhofe, the poster boy for scientific ignorance, as the chair of the science and technology committee, the president cut a deal with China to lower emissions of greenhouse gases.  Since the main talking point of said republicans is we shouldn't agree to lower emissions since China never will, as Joe Biden would say, this is a BFD.  To have the two largest polluters agree to cut emissions should clear the way for a new global agreement next year in Paris.  As one activist put it, this agreement should put the Keystone pipeline controversy to rest.  As well, it undercuts the fracking industry.  If the Chinese can commit themselves to renewables by 2030, we certainly can't be seen as falling behind in that technology.  Perhaps we can do even better and have a totally renewable energy supply by 2030.  Green jobs, green technology and a commitment to reverse climate change will gain momentum just in time for the 2016 elections.

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