Monday, November 10, 2014


The traditional growing areas in the western US are definitely having problems as fall rolls into winter.   Virtually all the lettuce crops are out of sync with demand and prices are heading to the stratosphere.  Other categories like broccoli and cauliflower are following the trend.  As the local deals continue to clean up in the east and Midwest growing areas the western area takes control.  The last few years have seen an oversupply of lettuce and other crops during the winter with low prices hammering farmers' bottom lines.  If fewer acres were planted and the weather continues its roller coaster ride, we could be in for a bull market on veggies this winter.  Whether consumers' pocketbooks can stand the strain is another story.  Meanwhile, on the NCR we eked out another reasonably mild weekend.  I harvested potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, leeks, cabbage, spinach and kale for a friend who contributed to the Divine Mrs. M's singing group.  It looks like this may be the last week for many crops.  When the forecast highs are still below freezing, most of the aforementioned veggies will call it a season.   I did plant one last bed of softneck garlic for braiding and some tulips.  That is definitely the last for 2014....

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