Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Truth and Consequences

The popping sound you heard at 10:30 last night was the talking heads at Fox news exploding.  The great black satan had been re-elected.  I spent another couple of hours at my local congressman's office waiting for his much tighter race to be decided.  That turned out well also.  It was a good night for truth, justice and the new American way.  The only demographics which will come away from this election with a sad are the old, white, rich, racist, homophobic and/or diehard republicans.  Still a significant chunk of the population, but one whose days are numbered.  We are becoming a more inclusive society, which will serve us well in the long run.  Now we can tackle many of the problems which would have been ignored or exacerbated under a Romney presidency.  Income inequality, global warming, off shoring, the continuing health care issues and many others.  The Senate will be a more liberal body and even the House will have to listen to the voice of a people who are tired of the bull---- being dished by Boehner and company.  It's a new day and I am proud to be an American.

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