Monday, November 5, 2012

Mother Nature's somewhat small hammer

Despite the dire warnings, temps were hovering in the mid 30s this morning under the clouds on the NCR.  Fortunately, the soil was dry enough to work on Saturday and I managed to plant about 2000 cloves of garlic.  I will try to get the rest of it planted next weekend under more clement conditions.  With the weather predictions still for a couple of cold mornings on Tuesday and Wednesday, I also harvested whatever cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage were ready and also dug the remaining potatoes and some carrots and beets for good measure.  There is still plenty of the latter available.  Certainly more than we can possibly eat this winter.  Of course, with a nor'easter on the way, we may be under snow by Thursday afternoon.  It looks like the wholesale markets in the Northeast are recovering just in time to get slugged again later this week.  Rain and 50 MPH winds will only exacerbate the effects of Sandy and postpone full recovery.  With over 1/2 million people still without power, veg sales will still be slow this week.

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