Thursday, November 8, 2012

Late Indian summer

It looks like we will have another respite from the coming winter this weekend.  With temps in the upper 50s on Sunday and the 60s on Monday, there will be a garden revival.  The spinach and kale will recover and I may get to harvest some celery root by Sunday if it was not damaged too much during the past couple of days.  I think it is pretty hardy, but I planted quite a bit for the farmers' market and there is definitely more than the Divine Mrs. M can possibly use.  There should still be some leaf lettuce available by Saturday.  The Red Sails variety is very hardy.  The problem right now is there is far too much to eat and not enough mouths.  Unfortunately, the local food bank doesn't want spinach and lettuce, or beets for that matter.  The food insecure in this neighborhood are not very big veg eaters.  Strictly meat and potatoes.

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