Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The ghost of Thanksgivings past

The Thanksgiving rush is just a ghost of its former self.  When I started in the business in the 80's, the fourth Thursday of November was the apothesis of the fall season.  People started to prepare for and talk about it in September.  Every weather event, market change and supply estimate was seen through the prism of the one day eating extravaganza at the end of the month.  Gradually, the urgency has leaked out of this deal, to the point some people have discounted it entirely.  The potatoes, onions, carrots and other hardware have built in discounts.  The few fresh vegetables which were once reliable bellweathers, such as cauliflower and broccoli don't move at all.  There is such abundance of choices that anyone who tries to push up prices on individual items is met with indifference or downright hostility.  The key to moving volume is to guarantee supply and price on a year round basis.  The holidays are merely speed bumps in the process, rather than marketing opportunities.

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