Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Hunger and the Holiday

In the food business, most buyers and sellers rarely think about hunger, except in an abstract sense.  We satisfy people's hunger.  The thought that millions of fellow Americans, not to mention billions of people around the world will go hungry tomorrow is barely conceivable to most of us.  We talk about a cornucopia of produce every day, including much that is wasted.  In this area, hundreds of tons of "deer carrots" are hauled into the woods each fall to tempt deer into range of lazy hunters tree stands.  Meanwhile, the homeless and hungry line up for free Thanksgiving dinners which salve the conscience of the do-gooders who serve them.  If a couple of the richest nations in the world can't make sure all of their citizens have enough to eat how can the rest of the world provide for the needy of their own?  It seems the only thing many countries can over produce is more human beings.  It is not a sustainable situation.

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