Monday, November 12, 2012

Palm Tree Monday

The thermometer on the dashboard registered 55 dgrees at 6:30 this morning and the weather gurus say we will reach the upper 60s later today.  The rest of the week, not so much, but still it is Nov. 12, and I'm wearing shorts.  If this doesn't make people sit up and take notice, there's not much that will.  Of course the climate change deniers will point to the snowstorm in the wake of Hurricane Sandy and say global warming is a hoax, but what about "Climate Change".  It will be interesting to see if winter growing areas in S.Texas, Mexico and Arizona are affected by storms and up and down temps.  A big failure ing tomato and lettuce growing areas will be further proof that mankind must start to deal with the legacy of 250 years of ever increasing carbon emissions before a catastrophic blow to an important food producing area cripples the economy and hurts the most vulnerable among us.  Meanwhile, I got another bed of garlic planted and finished harvesting the celery root.  Still plenty of leeks, kale, spinach, carrots and beets out in the garden and this week's weather will not change that supply.

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