Wednesday, November 14, 2012


One  of the most entertaining and frustrating times of the year in sales is cleanup.   The chains have switched to California for greenstuff, wholesalers in the Metro N.Y. area move to Jersey and the southern states are in supply.  That leaves us a few hardware items to sell and the fun of trying to ship the last pallets of some niche items like nappa cabbage and bok choy.  Once the buyers are convince you don't have fresh product because of cold temps, for all practical purposes you are done.  The only people willing to talk to you are theives and scoundrels, and even they are wary.  It is a cat and mouse game and usually we are the mice.  We circle each other and our only hope is problems in other areas which make our product more attractive.  As much as I hate to, I have to wish for the "big freeze" to save us from ourselves.

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