Thursday, November 15, 2012


A consumer in California with deep pockets is suing Dole Foods, alleging false advertising regarding the company's environmental stewardship.  It seems Dole purchased and sold over 300,000,000 pounds of bananas from a Guataemalan plantation which committed egregious environmental crimes, including damming a river and draining thousands of acres of pristine wetlands.  These acts resulted in the loss of livelihood for many subsistance farmers, as well as the environmental degradation.  The plaintiff is seeking $5 million dollars.  This may be a new trend in consumer activism.  Holding companies accountable for environmental crimes in other countries would seem to be a new frontier in litigation.   Or perhaps it will only target companies who brag about their bogus environmentally friendly programs.  Either way, large multinationals are now under notice they will be responsible for their advertising claims.

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