Monday, November 19, 2012


Much like the early spring, this past weekend presented many opportunities for those with a passion for the outdoors.  Although temps started each day in the low 20s, there was little wind and bright sunshine which soon boosted the mercury into the low 40s.  Whiteface ski area opened to the diehards who live for that sport.  Meahwhile, the local golf courses pledged to remain open "til the snow sticks", and most of the hiking trails in the area are in great condition.  After chasing the little white ball around on Sat. morning, I made some inroads into fall gardening, dismantling the tomato cages and pulling up the plastic.  Started the last mowing for the season, and harvested some more late spinach.  All in all, a delightful weekend on the NCR.  It reminds me of Novembers from my youth on Long Island.  Of course, November in northern New York in the 60s was a winter wonderland, so evidence of climate change is certainly abundant.  I expect Decembers to become relatively mild as we head in the the coming decades.  Mowing grass in January anyone.

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