Friday, November 16, 2012

Revenge of the Turds

The drumbeat of hate has started to pick up already.  Less than 2 weeks after the election, the wingnuttia is already exploring the possibility of impeaching the president for "high crimes and misdemeanors" relating to the Benghazi incident.  Likewise, over 100,000 anti-Americans in Texas have signed a petition urging secession from the US.  Personally, I think we should provide all of them with bus fare to Mexico where they can renounce their citizenship.  Good riddance.  There seems to be less and less of a shared feeling of "we are all in this together" between the left and right in America.  But particularly among the racist, homophobic aging white population of the rural south and midwest this intolerance of the new America is fast reaching the boiling point.  The same idiots who want lower taxes (even if they aren't paying any) also want the demographics to reverse and all the blacks and browns to just go away.  Well, it isn't going to happen and these people are just hastening their own irrelevance to the new American century.

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