Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Short Days and Clouds

Only a masochist can love November in the north country.  You can count on short cloudy days, cold nights and precipitation that straddles the line between rain and snow.  If you want to harvest in the garden after 5 p.m. you better bring a flashlight, and the weekends are wet if warm and freezing if clear.  It is the long interregnum between fall and winter with the advantages of neither.  You can't golf and you can't ski, at least most of the time.  One of the bright spots of the coming climate change is the experts are now predicting we will have weather similar to North Carolina or Virginia.  A long mild fall and minimal winter in the Champlain valley will be something to cheer.  Of course the long blistering summer which may precede it will be no picnic.  I wonder what Virginians will face in the near future.

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